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Daily Tarot Cards

Daily Tarot Reading

1) Past 2) Present 3) Future

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords ∞ If the Queen of Swords is your card, a Virgo (archetype) has attracted you into her life. There’s no need to introduce her, as everyone else will attest to her modesty, good nature, and grace in making conversation. You wouldn’t believe she has a wild side,…

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Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands ∞ If the Nine of Wands is your card, all that you’ve put forth is being revealed to you. This sudden “aha” moment has taken you to new heights and allowed you to jump to a more positive way of looking at things. Friendship may very well…

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Arcanum III. The Empress

Arcanum III. The Empress ∞ If this is your card, take advantage of those opportunities that ultimately amount to “good karma”. You may not see the immediate benefit, but a gift from one to another is often received as a gift for both. Sometimes it’s more rewarding to expand our…

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How to Read the Three-Card Tarot Spread

1) Past: The first card on the left refers to things that have already happened.

2) Present: The second card from the left is the present state of things.

3) Future: The third card represents the current future possibilities.

Egyptian Tarot Basics

Major Arcana: The first 22 tarot cards make up the major arcana, starting with 0. The Materialist (The Fool) and ending with XXI. The Adept (The World).

Minor Arcana: The four suits make up the minor arcana. Each suit numbers 1–10 in addition to 4 court cards for a total of 78 cards.

The Four Suits

+ Scepters (Wands): Creative energy and willpower

+ Swords: Communications and logic

– Cups: Emotions and intuitive intelligences

– Coins (Pentacles): Practical matters and the material

The Court Cards

Horseman (Knight): Thoughts and messages directed toward you.

Royal Court: Youth (Page), Queen, and King

The royal court cards symbolize a person with the archetype of the depicted zodiac sign (but not necessarily born under that sign). When a horseman appears alongside a royal court card in a spread, the thoughts belong to the person the card represents.