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XIX. The Sun

Brotherhood of Light Tarot: Arcanum XIX. The Sun

Arcanum XIX. The Sun

The Sun rises to meet his lady the Moon. With the appearance of the Sun, we manifest a tangible reflection of our new conjunct perception—the treasure lies between the eyes of the Sun and the Moon. The Sun appears before us to reflect the opposing expression of the Moon, which resonates and unites in conjunction the integrated expression of harmonious composition. In marrying the Empress and Emperor (the right and left eyes of the unconscious mind) new life is born, as the respondent soul prompts and maintains the assimilated discovery through the production of gold. An avatar results in the visible realm as the creation that grants life to the new paradigm—its function as an offspring entrained as the mode of its perception from the moment it draws its first breath in time. As the four elements of the conscious and unconscious mind (anima, animus, persona, and shadow) unite, we find we are whole through a balanced mind. The completeness of our consciousness grants the higher self a prize—the one who will carry out the duty of the work in disguise. Our hero is born of perfect harmony, when the soul of the Sun meets the soul of the Moon—the saving grace of our conscious mind, the compromise conceived for the benefit of new life. Thus, the completed soul mates reunite.

If this is your card, you have watched the fruits of your labor materialize right before your eyes! You may have brought new life into this world as a product of the gold you obtained in the form of pure love. It may be a child, a work or offspring of any sort, but the aspiration of true beauty is manifest through mastery. The work now multiplies and resounds the harmonious action to bring about refinement down the road of life, as it changes the very nature of your own direction. Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.

cc: Till Krech

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