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Introduction to Astrology

What is Astrology?

Welcome to the Oracle’s Library, the best place to learn about the celestial realm. The original practice of astrology has been largely forgotten—buried in the sands of time, and only a glimmer of a hilt remains visible above the surface. Once a respected branch of mysticism—a source of wisdom for sages, astrology in the mundane was held in high esteem for various kings and queens of the ancient world. These sages or wise-men spoke in prophecy and were an ever-present influence on decisions of the courts and important figures in the past.


In more recent times, thoughts associated with astrology have been reduced to daily horoscopes, personality traits and birth charts that barely scratch the surface of the ancient practice. There are several types of astrology with origins across the globe. One of the most common is Sidereal Astrology and another Tropical Astrology which refers to the twelve constellations that make up the Zodiac Belt.

Though, Tropical Astrology should not be taken as the literal location of each constellation in question. Instead, the 12 Tropical Zodiac each refer to 30 degree slots that make up the narrow belt that encircles the earth. Every year, the sun visits each sign of the zodiac belt. Since, we know 30° x 12 zodiac signs = 360° in the Zodiac Belt, it becomes easier to understand why the ancients chose the amount 30°—since there are 360° in a circle. Never do the planets, moon or sun move from this area of the sky—thus, the power of the Zodiac Belt. For this reason, this narrow strip of stars in the night sky—the Zodiac attracted legends from traveling stargazers and sages across the ancient world.

What did astrology mean to the ancients?

To the ancient agrarian peoples who lived along the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, astrology foretold future events to come in the form of unseen forces—those subtle conditions that would influence the fabric of existence. It held the key to the invisible realm and its effect on mankind. These interactions between forces beyond human control affected people by way of the ‘wandering stars’ or the planets in the heavens above.

The true origins of such celestial myths and lore cannot be fixed to any one date. Since, the legends themselves out-date written records. For this reason, astrology should never be cast aside—its lessons are older than written history.

Why did the ancients name the stars?

catmoonncPrinted kitten calendars and fancy mobile phone appointment reminders equipped with twelve interchangeable alarm sounds did not exist in ancient agrarian society. So how did these rugged farmers know when it was time to sow the seeds, or how in the world did these people with no clocks tell time?

If they weren’t making use of a sundial, they simply looked up. The zodiac signs originate as a story-telling tool developed by ancient farmers to indicate the planting season. The sun and moon’s passage through the zodiac belt helped the farmer understand the natural rhythm of the earth. Each day, the location of the sun overhead also gave the farmer insight into the time of day. And so, the seasons—spring, summer, fall, winter and the forces of nature—fire, earth, wind and water were inscribed into the ancient night sky.

Thanks for reading at the Oracle’s Library. Please comment and share with us what astrology means to you!



  • “..these sages or wise-men spoke in prophecy and were an ever-present influence..” what is prophecy?

    • The foretelling of future events through divine inspiration–planetary transits and such. Interesting name.

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